Why I Don't Suffer from Alopecia
When I created this video, a headline captured my attention and actually frustrated me. It triggered my mind about a lot of things, and how the headline is used for sympathy on a variety of issues. To gain readers, more dramatic titles and headlines are given to peak their interest. Grabbing them by sympathy, people feel compelled to feel bad for the subject of the story. Now, this is just how some journalism can go. I just hate being lumped into a misconception... I DO NOT SUFFER!
& I'm not alone in that category. Many women who have broken free from the wig feel better than they did before. It's a very liberating experience and I welcome anyone to try it. Would I wish Alopecia on anyone? Of course not... but to free yourself of the beauty expectations by choice, that's rewarding.
I encourage you to watch this video and think about what labels are in your life, and if there's something you'd like to change.