The Alopecia Project, PeerSpring
Recently, I was approached by PeerSpring to create a project on their site. Not knowing that I was getting myself into, of course I said YES! After doing a little more research, I realized this site has been used for educational based movements, i.e.: lowering carbon footprints, utilizing technology in schools for children ins schools to use as a resource. My focus was on social movements, and how challenging they can be. And that sat with me for a minute... social movements. What would that be? I think along the lines of LBGT, racial discrimination, cancer awareness and other much larger causes. But after reading the questionnaire and seeing where I could focus Alopecia under a larger umbrella, it all came together really well!
In short, Alopecia results in hair loss. The varying degrees are what separate areata, total and universals; each determining the type of hair loss be it patches, entire head or entire body. Affecting millions of people in the states every year, this disease is not life threatening so, it does not receive as much attention as more dangerous diseases. However, the toll it takes on a social level can be equally as damaging and harsh on this diagnosed.
So when I thought about how to align a social movement and alopecia, I realized it's been something I've been working towards all along.
- Bald is beautiful.
- Hair does not define femininity.
- Women are no less for being bald.
- Let's deconstruct the emphasis hair has on children & adult lives.
- Health is not determined by hair.
All of these thoughts and emotions came tumbling through my keyboard at a rate I had trouble keeping up with. I couldn't explain my frustrations and goals enough. Something that I'm so passionate about that affects millions of others that needs the attention it deserves! Ultimately, I was able to formulate a project that addresses all those issues that have come with Alopecia, and a little more about what I've been able to do in my short time here on earth thus far.
I hope you take the time to read all points and share this along with your friends and family. You'd be surprised how many people can relate to this, even without hair loss. Social injustice happens on a daily basis- why don't we do a little more to be accepting, and encourage acceptance in daily conversations?