My name is Kylie. I am a mother, a model, and an Alopecia advocate.
I’m Kylie Bamberger and I have Alopecia. You might recognize me from a video I shared on Instagram for the Sports Illustrated #WhatIModel campaign, and I've had the unexpected pleasure of watching YOU embrace it.
It has been so moving to be featured in the likes of Health Magazine, Huffington Post, Refinery 29, Shape Magazine, Today.com and more.
Beauty begin the moment you decide to be yourself.
- coco chanel
My goal is to raise awareness for Alopecia by challenging beauty standards. No one should ever feel alienated because of the way they look. We should be judged by our actions - NOT our aesthetics.
Much love,
to shatter beauty standards for women worldwide.
Star Sign
Leo baby
Cocktail of Choice
Old Fashioned